Here I have put together a selection of homilies. The Word of God is ‘alive and active’ says the Letter to the Hebrews. That is not to say that it lives a hidden organic life we can trace through a microscope, as if it were a virus; but that it is inspired, a bearer of God’s eternal Spirit. Therefore it resounds to this day with quite as much force as when it was first spoken. It ever has something new to say. The preacher’s first task is to listen intently to this Word at once ancient and new, then to make his own, necessarily limited words its vehicles. I have not been able to provide translations of texts in other languages; but if you rummage around a little you will find a fair amount of material in English.

Solemn Profession of Br Bernard John Tantiado

9 April 2018 Mount Saint Bernard
Your personal exodus journey has acquired a nobility and beauty all its own. Like the Israelites in the desert, you have learnt something precious about who God is, and about who you are yourself. Continue reading

Easter Day

1 April 2018 Mount Saint Bernard
The Cistercian Fathers, so attentive and humane in their reading of God’s action in our lives, never tired of invoking a verse from the Song of Songs that, to them, summed up their experience of grace: ‘Ordinavit in me caritatem’; ‘He has set love in order in me’. If we let the holy angels roll away the heavy stone that blocks the way into our hearts, God enters to heal and recompose our disordered affections. Continue reading

Ash Wednesday

14 February 2018 Mount Saint Bernard
Reconciliation is never unilateral. It has to be two-sided, to be realised in dialogue. Continue reading

4. Sunday B

28 January 2018 Bamenda Abbey, Cameroon
Do we wish to be healed and made whole? Our answer must be Yes, yes or No, no: there’s no middle ground. Continue reading

The Holy Founders of Cîteaux

26 January 2018 Mount Saint Bernard
To be a Cistercian is to evaluate oneself constantly in the light of a great, exacting ideal. We are not to be scrupulous (for scruples are rarely life-giving), but we must aim to be truthful—and ready to recompose our lives on the basis of what we recognise as truth. Continue reading

Christmas Day

25 December 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The message of Christmas is this: the Word become flesh in Mary would take possession of our flesh, too; it would fill our lives and make them glorious. Brothers and sisters, do we realise how wonderful this is? Continue reading

Christmas Midnight Mass

24 December 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The other day, on the Loughborough Road, I met a lorry so ablaze with psychedelic lights it blinded me. Attempts to rebrand Christmas as a ‘festival of lights’, a shopping binge, makes the shining symbol of the season ambiguous. Continue reading

Immaculate Conception

8 December 2017 Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Each night, at bedtime, we invoke the Blessed Virgin as ‘our life, our sweetness, our hope’. Never do we see more clearly what this means than on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Continue reading

The Immaculate Conception

8 December 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
In Mary he would find a human being like those who, on the sixth day of creation, before the serpent’s insinuation, stood upright and free before God’s face, formed in his image. Mary Immaculate shows us what we all could, and should, have been, had it not been for the fall’s tragedy. Continue reading

All Saints

11 November 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
St Thomas Aquinas offers us a luminous description of holiness, full of refreshment in its brevity. He says: ‘Since good that is loved has the nature of an end, and since the motion of the will is called good or evil in terms of the end it pursues, the love by which the supreme good, God, is loved must possess the supereminent goodness that goes by the name of holiness. Continue reading

Br William Strahan RIP

2 November 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
A saying often on his lips was a distillation of experience, characteristically devoid of perfumed piety: ‘I have always tried to be obedient’, he would say; ‘often I haven’t liked it much, but I have tried.’ Then he would laugh. Continue reading

St Bruno

6 October 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The first companions of St Bruno tell us that this apparently austere, intellectual monk was in fact semper festo uultu: his face was always joyful, like that of a man on his way to a feast. Continue reading

St Michael The Archangel

29 September 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
A great deal of nonsense is often said about angels. We may find we’re given to thinking nonsensically about them ourselves, haunted as we are by images of feathers, celestial chariots, and cascading cloaks: so earthbound are we poor human clods, so conditioned by our bodies, that it is hard for us to conceive of pure spiritual existences. Continue reading

Rosary Rally

27 August 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The Queen of Peace is our model. Like her, we are called to say a deliberate ‘Yes’ to the lordship of Christ, letting him take flesh in our flesh, becoming his instruments, sacraments of his presence. Continue reading

St Bernard of Clairvaux

20 August 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
I recently finished reading a new biography of St Bernard of Clairvaux by the Austrian historian Peter Dinzelbacher. In his effort to place Bernard in context, the author leaves no stone unturned: his book contains 3,000 footnotes. Continue reading

Blessed Guerric of Igny

19 August 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
For Guerric, divine contemplation was fundamentally a matter of assimilating, by interiorisation, the prayers we recite with our lips in the breviary and missal. He would have scoffed at any notion that mental and vocal prayer were somehow in opposition. Continue reading

St Maximilian Kolbe

14 August 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
Kolbe’s death eclipses his life; his life, indeed, seems like a build-up to his sacrificial death. That is something to reflect on with regard to our own Christian lives. Continue reading

19. Sunday A

13 August 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
Even if we can swim there was a time when we couldn’t. We may remember the awful downward pull; how scary it is, even up there in the shallow end of a pool, with people everywhere and lights on, with our father’s arms ready to carry us up. Continue reading

Corpus Christi

15 July 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
So often, when what we considered a thoroughfare turns out to be a cul-de-sac, we raise our arms to heaven and cry out, ‘Why, Lord, why?’ We’re indignant and hurt, proceeding, as we are, from the assumption that our journey ought to be uncomplicated, that the Lord, like some tour guide, should make the path straight before us. Continue reading

St Benedict

11 July 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
In my first year at Cambridge, I picked up a copy of the Rule of St Benedict from Waterstones. I read it right through, I remember, and thought: Wow, to live like that! Continue reading

Wedding of Dominique and Niall

29 April 2017 Farm Street, London
‘Set me as a seal upon your heart’, says the Lord. It would take a brave preacher to expound that verse to two cardiologists. Continue reading

Easter Vigil

16 April 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The perspective on life and death offered us this night is extraordinary. We take in the whole sweep of human history at a glance, from the beginning of the world to the saving events of our Lord Jesus Christ to our own present reality. Continue reading

Maundy Thursday

13 April 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
The Passover is no magic charm; the Eucharist isn’t either. It is a pledge from the Lord and a pledge we give in return: a pledge to be faithful, to conform our lives to grace, to answer love with love. Continue reading

Palm Sunday

9 April 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
How can we respond to the call of Palm Sunday with integrity? We can, quite simply, refuse to run away. Continue reading

Br Thomas Taylor RIP

14 January 2017 Mount Saint Bernard
For Br Thomas, the history of the monastery and his own history were inseparable. This led him to invent what, to my knowledge, is a new and original literary genre, an extended autobiography in the form of obituaries! Continue reading