Munch on the Move

Descending on Rome these days is not only a large group of Norwegian pilgrims, but Edvard Munch. It gave me delight to see this sign as I walked down the Via Panisperna earlier. A reproduction of Munch’s painting of three young women on a bridge was once found in virtually every Norwegian home. It was incongruous and wonderful to find the girls looking out, not unto a fjord but unto a Roman no-entry sign, casually observed by motorists. They looked at ease. Apart from personal nostalgia, the sight of this Northern motif in the ancient capital of the imperial South, advertising a show in the Palazzo in which Napoleon’s mother ended her days, inspired this thought in me: there is such a thing as Europe, whose boundaries are fluid, whose regional treasures complement each other, whose secret can only be perceived by those prepared to develop a horizon broad enough to take in the whole.

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