Collected here are articles and reviews that have appeared in print, as well as a presentation of my books. There are a few interviews and some sound material, notably my reading of the Gospels in Greek, a project that remains work in progress.

A New World

19 January 2024 The Catholic Herald
Hesitation is ancient and nocturnal, the antidote to youth renewed ‘like the eagle’s’ through Paschal waters, to life in ascent. Continue reading

Credo Column

15 January 2024 The Times
We often forfeit, it seems to me, a view of human beings broad enough to appreciate what complexity may be contained, given time, within a person’s equilibrated destiny, unfolding through inevitable struggles, supported by friendship, to creative maturity.  Continue reading


24 December 2023 ABC
What was manifest in Bethlehem, such is the Christian claim, is more than the singular grace of a specific destiny. The ‘sign’ reveals a renaissance of humanity, called to relinquish chimeras of self-sufficiency, to abjure the lie that man must be to man a wolf, to pursue peace — pertinent prospects for us who ascertain worldwide the erosion of notions of the common good. Continue reading

Teach Yourself Egyptian

5 October 2023 The Tablet
On 27 May Cardinal Hollerich, ever unafraid to say the unexpected, said that if we try to speak to people of our time about chastity we are likely to seem to be ‘speaking Egyptian to them’. I had just sent my London publisher a manuscript entitled 'Chastity', so had I in effect written a manual of Egyptian? Continue reading

Reign of Force?

23 June 2023 Dag og Tid/La Tercera
‘It is rare’, wrote Simone Weil in 1940, ‘to see misfortune fairly portrayed’. Confronted with the apparent ultimatum of force, we tend to ‘treat the unfortunate person as though catastrophe were his natural vocation’. Continue reading

Enabling Prospect

17 April 2023 La Tercera
The good news of the body’s significance and of the realisable, death-defying scope for human wholeness was entrusted to a ragged dozen people in a collective state of post-traumatic stress, not especially brilliant humanly speaking, but shorn by stark humiliation of presumption, so freed to proclaim a message that surpassed them. Continue reading

Tributes to Benedict XVI

6 January 2023
He, born on Holy Saturday, had once for all anchored his life in the power of Jesus's passion, death, and resurrection. Anyone who has seen him celebrate the sacred mysteries knows how really present this power was for him. Continue reading

Preface to Perrin

11 July 2022
The challenge of owning oneself as oneself, of making peace, not just with humanity in general, but with oneself as a human specimen, is the first major combat a novice encounters. Anyone who has essayed it knows it can be fierce. Continue reading

Eternally Pulsating Hope

1 January 2022 Hellig Jul
What is beautiful does not force itself upon us. It is incompatible with violence (an essay written in Norwegian). Continue reading

To Call a Spade a Spade

2 October 2021 St Olav 03/2021
Trofasthet koster. Det finnes ingen snarvei til menneskelig og kristen modenhet, om vi er gifte eller enslige, prester, legfolk, munker eller nonner. Continue reading