Collected here are articles and reviews that have appeared in print, as well as a presentation of my books. There are a few interviews and some sound material, notably my reading of the Gospels in Greek, a project that remains work in progress.


7 November 2011 Radio Vaticana
For få uker siden utga Parisforleggeren Fayard en bok med tittelen Leur Regard perce nos ombres, “Våre skygger gjennombores av deres blikk”. Boken gjengir en samtale i brevfrom mellom to nære venner, som ved første øyekast kan se ut til å ha lite til felles. Continue reading

Habemus Papam

24 October 2011 Radio Vaticana
For få dager siden var det Norgespremière på Nanni Morettis film Habemus Papam. Moretti, forholdsvis ukjent i Nord-Europa, er en frontfigur i italiensk film. Continue reading

Løst Esel

23 October 2011 Radio Vaticana
Hva var opphavet til kristent klosterliv? Det er et spørsmål hvorom de lærde strides. Continue reading


17 October 2011 Radio Vaticana
Årets Nobelprisvinner i litteratur, Tomas Tranströmer, innledet for et halvt århundre siden samlingen 17 Dikter med et ”Preludium” som begynner slik: Uppvaknandet er ett fallskärmshopp från drömmen. Fri från den kvävande virveln sjunker resenären mot morgonens gröna zon. Continue reading

Gamle stier?

2 August 2011
Følelsen av høre hjemme i Kirken er kun blitt sterkere med årene. Som i ethvert hjem, hender det at jeg har lyst til å ommøblere: her og der kunne det være fristende å pusse støv; iblant tenker jeg at det kunne gjøre seg med ny belysning; men denslags er for småplukk å regne. Continue reading

Redeeming Freedom

15 June 2011
Bérulle's norms for judgement and action in the public domain, his politics of servitude, disregarded the gap between 'sacred' and 'secular' which changing political and religious circumstances were imposing on the European consciousness. His political legacy can only be understood as a function of his theological convictions. Continue reading

On Breathing Differently

1 July 2010 Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Every week the Catholic press writes (The Herald with glee, The Tablet with alarm) about current efforts to recapture ‘tradition’, especially on the part of Catholics born after 1965. What does this tell us? Continue reading

Arven fra Byzans

8 June 2010 St Olav Tidsskrift
Når det gjelder gjengs norsk holdning til klassiske studier, kan man ha inntrykk av at Alexander Kiellands fordømmende blikk stirrer like inn i vår folkesjel. Vi plages av tanken på Fru Gottwalds Lille Marius, som resiterte sin deklinasjonstabell like inn i døden etter et så altfor kort liv ødelagt av brutalt pådrevet og helt unyttig lærdom. Continue reading

Bertoniere, The Monks of Spencer

8 October 2009 Cîteaux - Commentarii cistercienses
The nature of Benedictine ‘stabilitas’ as fidelity to a faith-reality embodied in a human group, not to an edifice, is examined from various angles throughout the book. Continue reading

‘Put Nothing Before the Work of God’ (RB 48): Why Not?

1 January 2009 Cistercian Studies Quarterly 44:1 (2009)
To Queen Michol peering from her window, the extravagance of the monastic office - the time it claims from profitable work, the space it occupies in our Rule, its songs and ritual - can seem preposterous. But she was destined to die without progeny. Continue reading

Towards the Authentic: Reflections on Music, Truth, and Desire

16 June 2006 The Downside Review 438 (January 2007)
Sacred music, like sacred texts and sacred rites, is a truth-bearer in worship. Mediocrity and compromise should no more be tolerated in this domain than in any other. Continue reading

The Demonic Gaze: American Beauty

2 May 2001 St John's College, Cambridge
The ‘demonic’ gaze usurps a divine perspective in presuming to appropriate for its own good pleasure things and beings created to be themselves. Seeking possession rather than communion, the ‘demonic’ grabber upsets a divinely instituted balance; like the king of Babylon, he will sooner or later see the writing on the wall. Continue reading

Paulina Mariadotter: An Age of the Life of Love

14 January 2001 Priests and People
Surrounded by a self-destructive culture terrified of death, western Christians must face essentials: Do they believe in Christ’s resurrection? If the answer is yes, who knows what might happen. Continue reading