Collected here are articles and reviews that have appeared in print, as well as a presentation of my books. There are a few interviews and some sound material, notably my reading of the Gospels in Greek, a project that remains work in progress.

Intervju i Dagen

2 October 2020 Dagen
For 20-30 år siden kunne man oppleve at individer og institusjoner var i opposisjon mot det kristne. Man opplevde dette som en maktinstans, noe knugende totalitaristisk. Continue reading

The Joy of God

10 October 2019
Possessed of a sharp, analytical mind, Sr Mary David also had a keen sense of poetry. She was always one to go deeper, to probe further, to extend the horizon, dissatisfied with anything that was less han whole - and mindful that the wholeness she sought will tend to exceed what words on their own can express. Continue reading

Thomas Merton, Fjellet med de syv trinn

8 September 2019
At mange, ennå idag, møter Merton som en åndsfrende, er i stor grad fordi han så troverdig beskrev sine dykk ned i mørket og det han der fant: mangfoldet, fascinasjonen, også frykten. Sommetider bragte han et enkelt funn—en korall, en sjøstjerne—opp i lyset og åpenbarte dets skjønnhet. Continue reading

Deification in Christ

17 April 2019 The Tablet
Panayiotis Nellas has been described by his friend Kallistos Ware as ‘somewhat stout, with a moustache and wavy hair; by character vivacious, warm and friendly; a generous man, eager to commend and encourage others, a good listener.’ It is fitting that one who inspires such humane accolades should have left a work subtitled, The Nature of the Human Person. Continue reading

Om barbari og mildhet

1 November 2018 St Olav
I dagens tilstand av kirkelige kriser på så mange plan, i en samtid hvor barbariet overhodet ikke synes fjernt, minner munken Ranulfs ettermæle oss om grunnleggende ting. Skal evangeliet vinne frem, ja simpelthen komme til orde, må vi som forfekter det først og fremst få bukt med det utemmede i oss selv. Continue reading

The Shattering of Loneliness

15 September 2018
Ancient monks often prefaced their writings by saying: 'May what I have written be of use to you.' That is my wish also. Continue reading

Interview in The Tablet

15 September 2018 The Tablet
What is the sign that one is stuck? A loss of joy. Continue reading

New Monasticism

10 September 2018 Church Times
To call something (an institution, an initiative) ’monastic’ when it is not, is to take away from the possibly genuine newness of what is coming into being while eroding the specificity of a definite charism. What is called for, I’d suggest, is a relationship of complementarity based on conversation and friendship. Continue reading

Den olsoknorske fordring: Om Olavsarv i avkristningstid

29 July 2018 Segl 2018
Snorre gir oss et levende portrett av Olav i eksil når han forteller hvordan kongen satt til bords en søndag og spikket på en trestikke, så oppslukt av tanker at han hverken enset tiden eller selskapet, uvàr at han brøt helgedagsfreden. Var hans tid forbi, eller var hans time kommet? Continue reading

Kledd i miskunn: Et østkirkelig perspektiv på synd og frelse

7 October 2016 Segl 2017
Adam er en far som har fordervet sine barn; hans hustru Eva, hvis navn betyr “Liv”, er likeledes en dødsføderske. Hvorfor skulle vi tilkjenne vi oss dem, et slikt røverpar, som vårt kjødelige opphav? Continue reading

Lipsey, Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down

4 February 2016 The Merton Journal
Even the mere dabbler in Mertoniana will have formed a picture of Dom James Fox, abbot of Gethsemani from 1948 to 1967. It is unlikely to be flattering. Continue reading

Lang, Signs of the Holy One

23 November 2015 The Brompton Oratory
Popular liturgical debate does not always impress by high metaphysical intent. To speak with Teresa, one sometimes feels closer to the poultry yard than to the silent flight of eagles. Continue reading

The Sense of Laughter

14 September 2015 Mount Saint Bernard
Laughter may turn out to be the natural voice of goodness and unselfconscious happiness. It is laughter of this kind we meet in Andreas Reiner’s remarkable portraits. Continue reading

Henri Le Saux: Moine de Kergonan

8 June 2015 Collectanea Cisterciensia
How can a monastic community, conservative by temperament and conviction, integrate the exceptional charism and call of individuals within it? How far can the fabric of community identity stretch without tearing? Continue reading

Gertrud von Helfta, Botschaft von Gottes Güte

3 June 2015 Collectanea Cisterciensia
Women of exceptional intelligence and spiritual gifts lived side by side here during Gertrud’s lifetime. We are shown how the environment moulded and refined the young nun as a scholar and writer, but also as ‘a most sensitive human being, open to all that is beautiful and good’. Continue reading

Porion, Lettres et écrits spirituels

15 April 2015 Collectanea Cisterciensia
Having spent several months with this book, reading a letter or two a day, I put it down with a sense of bereavement. Dom Porion is a wonderful correspondent: gracious, concise, engaged. Continue reading

Moses, Divine Discontent

21 March 2015 The Tablet
Thomas Merton was born on 31 January 1915. This volume is one of many brought out to celebrate him during his centenary year. Continue reading

Cristiana Piccardo, Living Wisdom

11 November 2014
Today, in the wake of the so-called death of ideologies (ideologies that have always tried to answer the human heart's quest for happiness), we do not merely find ourselves facing a dearth of more or less convincing answers, or even the utopia of an answer; the questions themselves have ceased. And the loss of questions seems infinitely graver than the loss of answers. Continue reading

Elisabeth Paule Labat, The Song That I Am

27 April 2014
The symphony of the saints will be marked by neither tragedy nor pathos, yet all that is truly great in tragedy and pathos will resonate within it, bathed in perfect place, like an immense surge that rises from the bottom of the sea yet spreads upon the surface in gentle ripples. Continue reading

Collectio Exemplorum Cisterciensis

22 February 2014 Collectanea Cisterciensia
The peccadillos of the higher clergy, including Cistercian abbots, are straightforwardly recounted if they serve the upbuilding of the readers. Continue reading

Så inderlig vel

1 May 2013 St Olav Tidsskrift
Fra å si, "Det er allikevel ingenting jeg kan gjøre", til å si, "Det angår allikevel ikke meg", er avstanden kort. Og med ett ligger likegyldigheten og lurer. Continue reading

Dall’Oglio, La sete di Ismaele

13 April 2013 Collectanea Cisterciensia
La tendance à relativiser la spécificité du christianisme sous prétexte de l’universalité du Christ fait de ces essais une articulation réductrice du patrimoine chrétien moyen-oriental. Il y manque une saine réflexion sur l’altérité. Continue reading

Om Katolisisme

5 November 2012 Radio Vaticana
Nå i det siste har jeg lest en viktig bok. Den er skrevet av Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, professor ved universitetet Dresden og en kvinne av dyp kultur med bred kompetanse. Continue reading

Cum Davide versari: The Psalter as Acquired Self-Expression

11 June 2012 Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Roma
'It seems to me', says Athanasius, 'that [the words of the Psalms] are like a mirror to the one who prays them, letting him contemplate himself and the movements of his soul in them'. The occasional violence of the Psalter, so disconcerting to the uninitiated, here reveals its true, most profound significance: the transgressor no less than the keeper of the Law recognises himself in this book, 'for the Psalms contain the deeds of both'. Continue reading

Ondskap og djevler

7 May 2012 Radio Vaticana
At rettssaken mot Anders Behring Breivik stiller Norge overfor et nasjonalt trauma, er noe vi hver dag sanner. Det er alment godtatt at saken berører grunnleggende spørsmål innen både strafferett og psykiatri. Continue reading